Nama Lengkap : Ilham Habibie
Tanggal Lahir : 16 Mei 1963
Tanggal Lahir : 16 Mei 1963
Riwayat Pendidikan
- Elementary School Windmuehlenweg, Hamburg, Germany, , 1969, 1973
- High School Hochrad, Hamburg, Germany, , 1973, 1981
- S1, Technical University of Munich, Germany, (Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Sub-Faculty Aeronautical Engineering , 1986
- S2, Technical University of Munich, Germany) , Ingenieur, 1987
- S3, Technical University of Munich, Germany) , Ingenieur, 1994
- International Executive Program, INSEAD, Fontainbleau, France, and 1999 Singapore , , 1999
- Executive MBA Program, University of Chicago, Singapore Campus , School of Business, 2001, 2003
- University of Chicago, School of Business, 2003
Riwayat Pekerjaan
- C.E.O. / President, PT. ILTHABI Rekatama (IR); (privately-owned Financial Holding and Investment Company) , 2002 - Sekarang
- Commissioner, PT. Asuransi Wuwungan (General Insurance, associate company of IR), 2002 - Sekarang
- C.E.O. / President Director, PT. Global Group Asia; (Aerospace Spare Parts Trading, subsidiary of IR) , 2003 - 2006
- Chairman, PT. Industri Mineral Indonesia; (Kaolin Mining, subsidiary of IR), 2003 - 2004
- Commissioner, PT. Citra Tubindo, Tbk; (Pipe Manufacturing, publicly listed in Jakarta, Indonesia, investment of IR) , 2004 - Sekarang
- Chairman, Mitra Energia Ltd. (Oil & Gas Exploration and Production, associate company of IR) , 2004 - Sekarang
- C.E.O. / President Director, PT. Industri Mineral Indonesia, 2005 - Sekarang
- C.E.O. / President Director, PT. ILTHABI Bara Utama; (Coal Mining, subsidiary of IR) , 2005 - Sekarang
- Chairman, PT. Ilthabi Sentra Herbal; (Herbal Medicine, subsidiary of IR) , 2005 - Sekarang
- Commissioner, PT. Sarana Pembangunan Jawa Tengah; (Investment Company, owned by Province of Central Java), 2006 - Sekarang
- Commissioner, PT. Global Group Asia, 2006 - Sekarang
- Commisioner of Sound Oil plc (Oil & Gas Exploration and Production, publicly listed in London, associate company of IR),
Prestasi :
- Bintang Satyalancana Wira Karya
- Adikarsa Pemuda